So Shiu Shiu (Suzy So), Born in Guangzhou and came to the US in the 80’s. She loves art since an early age and devoted herself to traditional Chinese painting after retirement. Obsessed with the majestic beauty of nature, she demonstrates strong passion for the art.
苏韶肇,生于广州、来美多年。 自幼酷爱艺术绘画,退休后潜心画艺。痴迷大自然之磅礴俊美,花鸟鱼虫之灵动,邀游于笔墨丹青之中, 不亦乐乎。

Her paintings have diverse themes, including landscapes, flowers and birds, insects, figures/buddhas, etc. While learning to incorporate techniques and merits of all mentors she had followed over the years, she tries to bring out the beauty of nature and the harmony of the world with her brushes.

So Shiu Shiu (Suzy So), Born in Guangzhou and came to the US in the 80’s.
She loves art since an early age and devoted herself to traditional Chinese painting after retirement.
Obsessed with the majestic beauty of nature, she demonstrates strong passion for the art.
苏韶肇,生于广州、来美多年。 自幼酷爱艺术绘画,退休后潜心画艺。
痴迷大自然之磅礴俊美,花鸟鱼虫之灵动,邀游于笔墨丹青之中, 不亦乐乎。

Her paintings have diverse themes, including landscapes,
flowers and birds, insects, figures/buddhas, etc.
While learning to incorporate techniques and merits of all mentors she had followed over the years,
she tries to bring out the beauty of nature and the harmony of the world with her brushes.

So Shiu Shiu (Suzy So), Born in Guangzhou and came to the US in the 80’s. She loves art since an early age and devoted herself to traditional Chinese painting after retirement. Obsessed with the majestic beauty of nature, she demonstrates strong passion for the art.
苏韶肇,生于广州、来美多年。 自幼酷爱艺术绘画,退休后潜心画艺。痴迷大自然之磅礴俊美,花鸟鱼虫之灵动,邀游于笔墨丹青之中, 不亦乐乎。

Her paintings have diverse themes, including landscapes, flowers and birds, insects, figures/buddhas, etc.
While learning to incorporate techniques and merits of all mentors she had followed over the years, she tries to bring out the beauty of nature and the harmony of the world with her brushes.